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Types of Therapeutic Activities for Seniors

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An older couple is happily planting flowers in the garden of their senior living community.

As we grow older, staying active and engaged can help us maintain a quality of life and enhance our well-being. Therapeutic activities boost physical health and improve overall emotional and mental health.

Therapeutic activities can nourish the body, mind, and soul, but many focus on improving overall well-being. The goal is to find activities that you enjoy. If they’re fun, you’re more likely to stick with them. So go ahead, explore these activities, and see what resonates with you.

Physical Activities

Physical activity is an excellent way to promote well-being and reduce stress. Getting moving can help reduce feelings of depression, so we’re not simply talking about staying in shape.

There are many types of exercises you can do, regardless of your mobility level, including: 

  • Gentle walking
  • Chair yoga
  • Water aerobics
  • Stationary cycling
  • Tai chi
  • Light strength training 

The key is to find activities you enjoy! Dancing, gardening, and even household chores can contribute to your daily movement.

Mental Activities

Engaging your brain is just as important as exercising your body. Keeping your mind sharp and active can help maintain cognitive abilities and improve memory.

One common concern with aging is dementia, a general term for symptoms associated with a decline in memory, reasoning, or other core thinking skills. It’s a broad category encompassing a range of conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease. These conditions can significantly affect daily life, making routine tasks challenging.

While experts are still determining the cause of dementia, research suggests healthy lifestyle choices and regular cognitive stimulation can decrease your risk.

Think about it this way—your brain is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. Mental activities may help. They’re not just fun ways to pass the time but essential tools that help keep your brain in shape. Consider these:

  • Puzzles, like crosswords, sudoku, or jigsaw puzzles
  • Reading, especially challenging or thought-provoking material
  • Learning a new skill, such as cooking or knitting
  • Memory games, like matching cards or trivia
The elderly individual's hand, delicately wielded a green-colored pencil, sketching an outdoor landscape on a drawing pad.

Emotional Activities

We’ve all heard the saying, “healthy body, healthy mind.” Well, nurturing our emotional well-being is part of that.

Emotional activities aren’t just fun; they’re a critical part of overall wellness. They help us stay connected with our feelings and manage stress. 

As we age, we’re at a higher risk of depression due to various life changes, like retirement and moving to new environments. Even if these exciting changes bring new adventures, it’s easy to feel isolated or overwhelmed during these times.

Depression is chronically undertreated and misdiagnosed in older adults. These feelings aren’t a natural part of aging—you don’t simply have to “learn to live with them.”

But here’s the good news. By investing time in emotional activities, you can keep your spirits high, reduce the risk of depression, and lead happier, healthier lives.

  • Art therapy: Painting, drawing, or sculpting can help express emotions safely and creatively.
  • Pet therapy: Spending time with animals can bring comfort and happiness. A soft pet goes a long way.
  • Music therapy: Listening to or playing music can stir positive feelings and memories.
  • Journaling: Writing down thoughts and feelings can be a powerful emotional release.

Caring for Body, Mind, & Soul

Therapeutic activities come in all different shapes and can help improve your well-being and maintain your quality of life. By engaging in activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional health, you can stay active and live the life you so richly deserve. 

State Street Assisted Living promotes therapeutic activities that help you find joy and purpose every day. We take care of the cleaning and maintenance so you can focus on living your life your way. 

Schedule a visit to see us in person! With various activities designed to engage your mind, stir your emotions, and keep you active, there’s always a new adventure to look forward to.

Written by
Christina Dolan

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Christina Dolan
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